Monday, January 7, 2013

Does it matter at all?

Come to think of it. Many things that are around seem to be so insignificant. Things I care are not worth worrying, the rule I commit do not apply, messages are meaninglessness, and purpose I tried to protect are not important anymore. It seems to me that nothing has anything to offer me anymore.

However, in the this dawn of time. I still believe in God. God taught me about forgiveness even in the darkest time of my life. I find forgiveness allow myself to have peace, clear thoughts; rather than having rage and mind of revenges.

Today, I let Jealousy and anger overcomes me. The cure of these is allow myself to be able to forgive others. Forgiveness is a really powerful tool. Jesus commanded us to forgive, not 7 times but 77. And I learn in order to do that, I have to become more like Jesus.

Lesson for the day: Read the bible when you find yourself commit sins. Always think about what Jesus would do in your case. God is always be with you as long as you are doing the right thing.

that is all people

Today's secret word is Hedgehog

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Movie you may like.... Not

The Dark Knight Rises

I am not going to discuses about the movie plot and script. In general, the movie is pretty well made if it was not about BATMAN.

First of all, Batman is supposed to be "the most dangerous man on Earth," he has all the skills needed to destroy every single powerful being on Earth... even superman is no match to Batman.

Lets talk about the equipments